Customised Suit

Rs. 3,499.00 Rs. 2,999.00
Shipping & Delivery
  1. Shipping within India for orders above Rs. 999/- is free.
  2. For orders below Rs.999/-, flat shipping of Rs.100/- is chargeable.
    We ship from our Delhi Office.
  3. For Domestic Orders, we ship via Delhivery, Bluedart and Fedex.
  4. Once your order is ready and dispatched it is usually delivered within 3-7 days. We partner with reputed courier services, so that your products reach you on time.
  5. Made on Order products take 10-15 working days to dispatch. We dispatch the products (above Rs.2000) as soon as they are ready.
  6. We do not wait for complete order to be shipped together so that customer can use whatever products are ready with us.
  7. As soon as we ship your product, the tracking information is sent to you via an email.